Freshen up in January!

Avoiding the after Christmas blues is hard for me. Surprisingly, this year other people have admitted the same. While I don’t know any magic formulas, I can give you a few tips…(hoping these help me too!).

1) Taking down the tree leaves a blank space in your room. Before you put back the same old thing in its place, think a little outside the box. Would a plant stand holding a beautiful sculpture work, a tall indoor tree in a pretty pot, or a large urn standing alone?

2) Now that the lights are gone off the mantel, don’t go back to those same old overheads. Buy a limo or two, put in a soft three-way bulb and turn them on. Ambient lighting is one of the nicest things you can bring to a room.

3) Wreaths are down and the porch is bare. Get rid of those unattractive planters with plants that are barely alive. Do NOT buy bright colors for your planters. Find attractive mental, concrete, or resin planters. Consider scale….planters need height so don’t just throw in a few pansies and call it a day. Find a tall topiary or evergreen, and plant pansies around the base.


Parents, Take Note!


Deck the Halls