Go Big…when it comes to porch planters!

Porch planters are an add-on to your home that really can make an impact with how your house is viewed from the street. Curb appeal is everything.

Start by taking a drive around your own neighborhood. Notice the planters you come across and what stands out for you. They will probably be bigger than you think. Stay big when you’re looking for your own, but stay subtle too. Brightly colored containers, while they can be fun and more of an “art” piece for your home, probably don’t fit as well as the main planters you have up front.

Try this tip too. Buy concrete, metal or even composite planters. They can be made to look old or antiqued with a can of glossy wood tone spray paint.

Then, when shopping for plants, pay attention to what your house needs. Do you want your pop of color here? Add brightly colored plants and flowers. Do you need height? Try a tree. Something classic and always in style (not to mention easy to maintain) – how about a bush like a boxwood?


Fall is in the air…